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How to Have an Islamic Wedding in Georgia?


Everyone wants to get married as it’s one of the most important things in our lives. But no one wants it to be a hectic experience full of worries and for good reasons. But unfortunately, there are many places where marrying is not an easy process such as UAE. At the same time, there are also places where you can get married in the least possible time and effort such as Georgia. If you are a Muslim and want to get married in Georgia then you have come to the right place. This article will help you understand how Muslims can have an Islamic wedding in Georgia. So, keep on reading to find everything that you want to know about this topic. So, without any further ado, let’s dive into it.

Requirements for Muslim Foreigners to Marry in Georgia!

The basic requirements that all Muslim foreigners must fulfill to get married in Georgia are as followed:

  • Both the bride and the groom must have an original passport
  • Both of the spouses must be Muslim and have authentic proof
  • There must also be a couple of Muslim witnesses with authentic proof as well

Other than these requirements the bride must also present the consent of her father or guardian in the written form.

As you can see the requirements are simple and the process is also very easy but you have to make sure that you get the right help. It will allow you to proceed with the wedding process in Georgia seamlessly without any unwanted scenario.

Concluding Muslim Wedding in Georgia

Islamic wedding in Georgia is not a very common practice. Keep in mind that it is not recognized as an official marriage in Georgia and as a legal union in many other countries. However, it is possible if you meet all the requirements. Therefore, we suggest you have a civil wedding as well. Moreover, before going for a religious wedding you must also check the laws and regulations of the country you are planning to live in.

If you are a Muslim and want to get married in Georgia then contact our legal support team for more information. We will be more than happy to assist you.

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