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#1 Wedding Planning Agency in Georgia

Helping international & Interfaith couples
to get married since 2019 *

Easy Wedding Georgia
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Paperwork Packages

Just need the paperwork?

Our wedding packages are customized for the interfaith, international & expat couples. You will receive all the documents & paperwork you need to live in the GCC or anywhere at the end of the process. Our promise is to make your wedding easy.

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Ceremonial & Bespoke Weddings

Your Dream Wedding in Georgia

Made from couples willing to tie the know in Georgia without the stress of going through a full wedding preparation. Our package include all the essential and can be adjusted upon your needs.

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Religious Weddings

Religious Ceremony In Tbilisi

All faiths welcome! Religious weddings for every couple. Our services include support for preparation, conversions & documents registration and more.

What are options?

Prewedding questions?

We can help you

When it comes to getting married, there’s a lot to think about, especially if you’re from different backgrounds or have unique circumstances. We get it – figuring out the legal stuff can be tough, but you don’t have to do it alone. We are here for you.

Yes, I need help

Your Wedding, Your situation
Let’s start your journey ◆

Select a Wedding Category

Paperwork Packages

Need the documents done right?

Our paperwork packages cater to interfaith, international, and expat couples, providing comprehensive documentation for residency in the GCC or abroad upon completion.

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Ceremony Weddings

Your Dream Wedding in Georgia

Ideal for couples seeking a stress-free wedding experience in Georgia. Our comprehensive package includes all essentials and can be customized to your preferences.

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Religious Weddings

Religious Ceremony In Tbilisi

All faiths welcome! Religious weddings for every couple. Our services include, consulting, preparation, conversion & document registrations.

Explore religions we wed

Legal Questions?

We can help you

Marrying from diverse backgrounds? or having difficulty managing your wedding ceremony? We get it, and we are here to help.

Yes, I need help

Weddings Built For Your Situation
Different wedding options

Which solution fits your needs?

Paperwork / from $695

  • Gain Legal protections

  • Start your family

  • Move-in with your loved one

Religious / From $695

  • Nikah Ceremony

  • Tie the knot in Church

  • Interfaith Wedding

Ceremony / From $2,050

  • Intimate weddings

  • Wedding with guests

  • Outdoor seasonal weddings

Helping Couples
Since 2019 ✦

Complete Wedding and Post-Wedding Services

While our primary focus is on coordinating your wedding, our expertise extends far beyond the ceremony. From addressing legal inquiries to organizing the wedding ceremony and supporting your new family, our team offers diverse assistance.

Our extended services

You deserve best wedding
Best Sellers ◇

Our Best Wedding Packages in

This year’s focus was on building easy & cute options for people to get married without the hassle of going through all preparations. Each package is made for a specific situation. Let see which one will fit you the best. 

About Easy Wedding

Since 2019, we’ve backed remarkable couples globally, driving our mission forward.