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Get Married In Georgia in February 2021 despite Covid!


New rules for international travellers willing to get married in Georgia in February 2021

As mentioned in, flights are resuming to Georgia. While most of other countries such as Seychelles, Dubai and more are making it more difficult for couples to marry, Georgia is now back in the top 3 best options for international couples willing to get married.

Who can travel to Georgia to get married with and without covid test and/or vaccine?

According to the same, citizens and residents from the following countries: the EU, Israel, Switzerland, the USA, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain are now allowed to travel to Georgi without vaccine.

All other citizens can now enter Georgia if they have received the vaccine.

Can you get married in Georgia in 2021?

As you can imagine, rules & regulations are still changing on a very regular basis. If you’re willing to get married in the coming days / weeks / months, the best is to discuss with our team.

Please keep in mind that rules & regulations are moving fast. You may have read different articles & press release. So before doing anything, we recommend you to book a call with us!

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